Saturday, December 08, 2012

Recent strange dreams

Dream 1:
Utterly terrifying dream of dying. I was a passenger in a little red hatchback and my friend's mom was the driver. There was a giant sink hole that had appeared in my neighborhood and we had just narrowly missed driving into it due to the road being washed out, but as we rounded another curve she didn't have with enough time to react and we went over the edge of the 30-or-so story pit. Instead of waking up, I felt the freefall and watched the ground rushing up at me. I squeezed my eyes shut and said "I don't want to know!" (what it's like to die). In an instant I felt weightless and rising. It was quiet. Then I heard my own heavy breathing and realized I'd woken up. I had a really hard time going back to sleep.

Dream 2:
I was eating a "Cyborg Burger: nutrition and nanotechnology in one". Did a fast food joint figure out how to produce food with no nutrition that makes the body believe it's being nourished? Or was it made of products we normally can't digest so the little nanos do it? Scary I idea.

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