Thursday, April 03, 2008

Post-Fever Delerium, or Things Only I Think are Funny

Calling my hubby Mr. McPancakes
The mental image of a man with juicy raisins stuck all in his hairy butt crack
Sitting quietly next to someone you know and suddenly shouting "Boo!" at them and making them jump
Watching people fall down
Pantsing people and slapping their cheeks
Watching dudes walk and thinking about their flaccid weiners wagging around in their trousers
Conversing with people who are talking in their sleep
Talking in the voice of Stan's older sister Shelly (South Park) in public
Narrating what the dog in the car ahead of ours might be thinking


1 comment:

Linka72 said...

HAAAAA! The sleep talk thing makes me laugh too. Last night my husband said: "Oh that's just little Tomiyoko..."
After I peed myself from laughing, I wondered who the hell little Tomiyoko was..hmm
Oh and the falling thing..I laugh EVERY time no matter co-worker thinks I mean..and she's right