Friday, March 14, 2008


Whew! All this hosting is wearing me out! I had my birthday party, the next weekend I made a salmon for lunch for my brother and his dad, and then I made a pot roast the next weekend for the in-laws. I think I'm done for now. These last few weekends have made me more tired than my work week. I decided to relax this weekend by working a shit-ton of overtime. I must be crazy. Now that I'm thinking about having to get up again tomorrow and head off to work, I'm suddenly worried about who's going to clean the bathroom?? I've been cleaning it every week for company and now that no one is coming by, how is this task going to be accomplished? Who's going to pick up and dust and sweep?? I think I'll delegate these chores to Hubby, though his follow through is half-assed at best. If he were my employee, he'd have been fired long ago. But he puts out every so often so I guess I'll keep him around.

1 comment:

Linka72 said...

Yep, the putting out always helps..