Friday, February 03, 2006


I'm FREE!!! I no longer work full-time in the mall!!! The temp agency hooked me up with a full-time gig as a receptionist at a consulting firm that starts on Monday, which also means that I won't be out of work at all. I'll be 9-5, m-f, and I'll get to wear my new suits. I am so excited I could PEE! Picture me as a fat little Yorkshire Terrier and that's pretty much me right this moment. Today was my last shift as a manager and I have all weekend off, plus I wasn't scheduled at all next week (because it's going to take a bit for HQ to sort out my pay-rate change) so my boss bought me a cookie that was decorated like a little slice of cake and two of my favorite little dark chocolate raspberry jelly candies. I am JUBILANT! --Or just high on sugar, but either way...

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