Thursday, September 25, 2008

SOOOO Not Amused

I am freaking exhausted.  Every day I come into work it's the same story: (and Linka, I know you can appreciate this) there are anywhere from 20 to 120 calls waiting.  It lasts all day long, and to each one  I have to bear the same bad news, "No, we can't give you your money until we get it back from Reserve."  And not just the on the fund that broke the buck, but ALL of their funds are on lockdown, no money in, no money out.  Can you imagine??  Telling one caller after another that they or their client can't have their cash.  Holy shit.  I think I've been torn about 50 new assholes, I'm like a hunk of fuckin' swiss cheese over here, EASE UP.  

Though much to my surprise, many advisors are showing some level of compassion and have been cooperative on all the new transactional restrictions.  And some are even expressing some misplaced sense of camaraderie due to relying on us so heavily during this surrealist financial circus and have been throwing all propriety out the window.  They call up and speak to me in very familiar terms... if this were football they'd be calling me by my last name and slapping me on the ass... instead they're calling me "babe" and "hon."  Fuckin' odd.  And it's not just advisors, I had Dustin from the bond desk this morning say "I love you!" to me instead of "Have a nice day," or "Thanks for calling."  I guess desperate times call for desperate endearments.  Or something.

For the first few days in hell, good ol' Jim was feeding us free lunch, but that gravy train has screeched to a halt as of Tuesday.  Which, I guess, is fine with me seeing as how I've gained back 8 of the pounds I worked my ass off to lose and God knows I don't need any more freakin' pizza or Jimmy John's.  Mmmmmmm.... Jiiimmmmmyyyy Johhhhhhnnnnn's....  Clearly I'm not one of those people who lose weight when they're stressed!  If I was, I'd look like Nicole Richie.  I'd rather have chocolate, bottom line people.

Good lord, I just want this week to be over... Just ONE more workday... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... Someone pass the cake frosting, I'll just eat it with a spoon.


Linka72 said...

* It was then that Linka realized that Riot is working hard to be sober..and then Linka kicked herself..with her new,really cute shoes*
I was about to suggest food..but we're trying to lose weight and all huh?..kicking puppies? looks relaxing..and DANGEROUS..hell, just go to sleep, works for me!!

Cristini P said...

Funny how you think it hasn't crossed my mind.... But I won't do it ! I won't! Because then I won't have anything with which to hold up to others for ridicule. I am MODERATELY evil... SO yes, sleep will be tonight's winner.